Research for the Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College

January 1, 2008

Development of research products about the unemployment of older workers.

From 2008 to 2010, the Heldrich Center prepared several briefs for the Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College exploring older worker unemployment. The first brief, Older and Out of Work: Trends in Older Worker Displacement (September 2008), explored the impact and scope of unemployment and worker dislocation on older Americans, in particular those who need to work for economic reasons. The second brief, Older and Out of Work: Employer, Government and Nonprofit Assistance (October 2008), examined employer, federal, state, and community-based strategies targeted to helping older job seekers gain new skills and return to work. The third brief, The “New Unemployables”: Older Job Seekers Struggle to Find Work During the Great Recession (November 2010), compared the job search, financial, and emotional experiences of older and younger unemployed job seekers.


“New Unemployables”: Older Job Seekers Struggle to Find Work During the Great Recession

Older and Out of Work: Employer, Government and Nonprofit Assistance

Older and Out of Work: Trends in Older Worker Displacement


Work Category
Funded By
Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College
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